Blissful Beginnings
Welcome! My name is Hindy; I am a certified lactation counselor and a mother of five. I have the necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities to provide clinical breastfeeding counseling and management to support families. I assist with any questions or concerns during your breastfeeding journey.
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Breastfeeding has health benefits for both babies and mothers. Breast milk provides a baby with ideal nutrition and supports growth and development. Breastfeeding can also help protect the baby and mom against certain illnesses and diseases.
Breast milk, the best source of nutrition for most babies, is not just food. It’s a shield that protects your baby against short- and long-term illnesses and diseases. As the baby grows, the mother’s breast milk will change to meet its nutritional needs, ensuring they get the best possible start in life. Breastfed babies have a lower risk of asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). They are also less likely to have ear infections and stomach bugs.
Furthermore, mothers can breastfeed anytime and anywhere. Mothers can feed their babies on the go without worrying about mixing formulas or preparing bottles. When traveling, breastfeeding can also provide a source of comfort for babies whose normal routine is disrupted. It is recommended that exclusive breastfeeding be performed for the first 6 months of life, continuing at least through the infant’s first birthday and as long thereafter as mutually desired. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 2 years of breastfeeding for all infants.
Includes 2 additional 30-minute follow-up sessions.
Additional Follow-up via Telehealth
$75 per 1 hour session
24-Hour Support Packages
per 24-hour period
Additional follow-up visits
$125 per hour sessions
Here assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have with your breastfeeding journey
Text or Call: 347.482.2943